Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday morning breakfast before church

Our first attempt at poached eggs.

Bubbs and I did this for the first time ever today. It worked pretty well. We actually did three, then four at a time, they all came out pretty close to perfect. Here is how we did it.

How to poach an egg:

1. Boil 6 or 7 cups of water in a medium size pot.
2. Add one tsp white vinegar per cup of water in pot.
3. Slow boil to a simmer.
4. Crack egg into a teacup and lower cup into water.
5. Slowly pour egg into water, carefully not breaking yolk.
We poached three eggs together in one pot.
6. Its ok if egg sinks to bottom, it will release.
7. Allow to cook for 4 or 5 minutes.
8. Remove with a slotted spoon.

Poached egg on a breakfast sandwich. Thanks mom for the Lenox plates. I love them!

I ate mine on a high fiber toasted english muffin, with, two slices avocado, a handful of spinach, and a spoonful of salsa. We also had 3 slices of turkey bacon and coffee.

Comments from my household:

"No way, I like cheesy eggs."
She is always the optimist.

" Very good. They turned out pretty damn good."

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